4 Tips for Planning a Successful Business Trip

    Whether you’re planning a business trip for yourself, or someone in your company, there are a few things that you will want to take into consideration before moving ahead. For starters, if you’re traveling to a foreign country, you’re going to want to make sure that you have the visas that are required to enter. If you’re organizing the trip for a number of people, this can quickly become complicated especially if they’re traveling on different passports. You also want to have a plan in place if anything goes wrong, and at a minimum you’ll want to invest in travel insurance to ensure that no matter what happens there’s medical coverage. In addition, you’ll want to make sure there’s sufficient downtime for your employees to rest, sight see and enjoy the destination they’re in. Keep reading to learn more about my top 4 tips for planning a successful business trip.

    1. Plan Visas in Advance
    There are certain countries where getting a visa can be a really time consuming process. If there’s a business trip that’s lined up for a few months, it might be worth exploring the process now. You can use this website to learn more about visa requirements for all the different countries you might be traveling to. This can be a great way to quickly check what’s required. Be sure to ask in advance what types of passports people will be traveling on before you start researching so you can be sure you’re getting accurate information. Be mindful that there is also a different process for many countries if you’re traveling for business instead of tourism, so be sure to look into those differences with ample time to spare.

    2. Travel Insurance
    This is something that’s absolutely essential when you’re planning business travel for your employees. If something should happen, such as a personal emergency or health crisis, having travel insurance will help at least with the financial aspect of the interruptions or crisis. I recently went on a trip overseas and my son had to be hospitalized for six days. Thankfully we had travel insurance so that helped with the costs of extending accommodation and the medical bills. It meant that we could instead focus on his health, instead of worrying about how big the bill would get.

    3. Plan the Proper Downtime
    Flying is exhausting, especially if you’re traveling halfway around the world for a meeting. Be sure to plan in enough down time so that your employees can properly rest and recover from a flight. If they’ll be traveling on a ‘red eye’ which is an overnight flight, it might be worth paying for an upgraded flight so they can rest more and hit the ground running. Be sure to budget enough time for their bodies to adjust to the new time zone and to recover properly from a flight. It can also be a great idea to suggest that they could have some holiday days to take while they’re overseas on the trip if it’s a location they’d like to explore.

    4. Pay Attention To the Airline You Choose
    The simple fact is that there are some airlines that are friendlier than others. You’ll want to look into the airline’s policies for cancellations or emergencies and flight changes. It’s one of those things that you don’t think about too much until a problem strikes, but it’s a good idea to choose the most comprehensive airline that you can to minimize the types of problems you might have when things don’t go smoothly. It can be worth also looking at the costs for airport lounge access during longer flights with connections so you can ensure that your employees are as comfortable as possible.

    Traveling for business can be a considerable ‘work perk’ if done correctly. I hope these tips help you plan an extremely successful business trip.