Restaurants need to have a steady flow of customers to maintain revenue and keep their profits up. Along with excellent food options, you can help boost revenue with some small tweaks to the way you operate your restaurant on a regular basis. Check out these operational tips and try some new ways to increase revenue for your restaurant.
1. Use Touchscreen Technology
Change the way customers order with the installation of an interactive menu board. An interactive menu board features touchscreen technology so guests can browse through the menu and order.
The software you use with an interactive menu board can help boost your income in a variety of ways. You can showcase specials and meals on the main screen of the board. When customers select an item, you can have add-on recommendations pop up on the side. A customer may select the add-ons and help increase the overall spending of customers.
2. Offer Customer Reward Accounts
When customers order on an interactive menu board, you have the opportunity to use built-in reward accounts. A reward account will give rewards to guests and provide a lot of incentives for them to order more at your restaurant. The account can give rewards for a minimal amount spent.
You can also use reward account information to send out promotional emails and help advertise your restaurant. The rewards accounts will help build loyalty and you could keep customers coming back with free birthday gifts and other promotions.
3. Establish Cross Business Promotions
Team up with nearby businesses to help raise your profits and reach new customers. For example, if your restaurant is located near a movie theater, then you could promote a dinner and movie special that includes movie tickets with an entree purchase. Other businesses could team up with you as well to create partnerships that last for years to come.
4. Hold Seasonal Promotions
Around the winter holidays, you can run promotions to help provide food and treats for family gatherings. You can make revenue without the guests actually coming to your restaurant. For example, if you offer soups, then you could sell large batches of soup ideal for holiday parties.
You could offer limited-time holiday platters that include some of your more popular menu items and appetizers. The platters can increase your revenue and help build in extra orders during the holiday months. You can create order forms ahead of time to help you prepare for the influx of extra orders.
5. CreateOutdoor Dining
When you offer dining inside your restaurant, you want to have a regular turnaround of customers to help increase revenue and keep business flowing. While you may be limited with the number of seats in your restaurant, you could find more revenue by expanding your seating to the outdoors. Outdoor dining adds some curb appeal and gives customers more options when they go to eat at your establishment.
Use one or more of these tips are you plan ways to increase profits in the coming months. The changes can make a big difference on your bottom line.