The 7 Levels Of Karmic Debt

    Karmic deficits are a fascinating way of balancing life energy. Doing something bad to someone can see them do something worse to counteract the wrongdoing. It is about learning from experience and balancing life energy. Afterward, the two people in disagreement meet at a pub or any social place and enjoy life together.

    Karma gives human beings a meaningful life. Therefore, learning how to put significance on the experience of a person towards another person is important. The ability to notice the level of fate debt one owes others enables them to make an effort and deal with it.

    There are seven levels of karmic deficits. About 80% of the debt a person gets to work within a lifetime is the levels one to four. Level five and six karmic deficits are usually fewer, with level seven being the least. Karmic deficits at level seven take more than a lifetime to balance. Most debts are made around the top three internal human needs.

    For instance, if someone has a lot of freedom issues, most debts they pay revolve around restrictions. There is a direct relationship between personal needs and fate debts one is likely to pay. Also, debt creation and payment are also directly related.

    Top 7 Karmic Deficit Levels

    1. Simple Exchange Levels

    The exchange level is the smallest but serves to remind people of bigger past mistakes made. Learning from past experiences helps people appreciate the bonds they had with certain people. Simple exchange levels are small and thus can be balanced on the same day.

    At a child’s level, for example, if the kid is hit, they’re likely to hit back. It could be a punch in the arm. ‘One hit, they are hit back.’ It serves as a reminder that if a person does something, the same is bound to happen to them. Adults also tend to act in the same way.

    If someone does good to another person, such as giving them a glass of wine, they’re bound to talk positively about them.

    1. Interruption of Daily Events

    An example of this level of karmic debt is a carpenter who has lent someone his toolbox. He needs the tools, but the borrower is yet to return the toolbox as agreed. The carpenter is forced to go and buy another toolbox to get his work done. This level is more serious than the first level because karmic deficits are also subjective.

    Level two is about what is important to a person. It is the level about breaking trust. If someone breaks a person’s trust after borrowing something and failing to return it or maybe returns it faulty or broken, they’re bound to be placed at a lower cycle of acceptance. Another example is being stood up for a date. Almost everyone has experienced that at some point in life.

    1. Emotional Attachments

    It occurs with people and items a person is close to and has some form of attachment. Usually, people get attached to family members, pets, good friends or even important possessions. Meaningful and impactful objects in a person’s life can be a source of this karmic level.

    If, for instance, a person has an expensive automobile they’re attached to, and it gets stolen, it results in level 3 debt. A burglary can be a payback to this level. Being snubbed by someone a person with whom they have a good relationship also result in the debt at this level.

    1. Personal Power

    This level of karmic deficit involves taking away personal power. For example, if someone burns down a neighbour’s house, they have taken away their power of having a home. If a partner during divorce takes away the kids, they are taking away the power to be a parent.

    This level of fate debt is mostly created in law court cases if inappropriate awards are given to someone who doesn’t deserve them.

    1. Expression

    Level five has everything to do with expression. The debt is incurred if a person’s freedom of expression is taken away from them. Murder cases, career ruins and either financial gain or ruin fall under this level.

    Taking a trainee and making sure they do well creates good karma. Saving someone’s life serves to pay a fate debt, especially if a person killed people during the war.

    1. Integrity Debt

    Level six is more interconnected and more concerned about others. The debt deals with the degree of ruining someone’s reputation and freedom such as jailing an innocent person or political imprisonment or slavery. Individual payments at this level are almost impossible.

    1. Personal Knowingness Debt

    This debt deals with a person’s ability to connect with the universe. If their personal knowingness is corrupted, they tend to make decisions that harm others. Such debts are made by spiritual conmen who spread serious false information about connecting with nature. Also, leaders who keep their supporters in falsehoods also create this fate debt.

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