Are you struggling to cope with the aftermath of infidelity? If your partner has cheated on you, it’s natural to feel betrayed. You might feel like you can’t trust anyone again. You might feel isolated, confused, and angry. Betrayal trauma can be incredibly difficult to deal with. But you’re not alone. Many people have gone through what you’re going through right now. And there is help available.
Here are 8 symptoms of betrayal trauma from infidelity:
- Difficulty trusting others: After someone cheats on you, it can be hard to trust anyone again. You might find yourself questioning every little thing your partner does. You might even start to doubt your own instincts and intuition.
- Isolation and loneliness: When you experience betrayal trauma, it’s natural to want to withdraw from others. After all, you might not feel that anyone can truly understand what you’re going through. But the truth is that isolation and loneliness can make the trauma even worse.
- Shame and guilt: One of the hardest parts about betrayal trauma is dealing with feelings of shame and guilt. These emotions often come up for people who have been cheated on, making them feel like they are somehow at fault for their partner’s actions. This isn’t true – but it can be hard to remember that when these feelings are so strong.
- Confusion: Infidelity often comes as a total shock, especially if your partner was unfaithful with someone you know. This can leave you feeling confused and disoriented. It’s not uncommon for people to feel like they are living in a nightmare after their partner cheats.
- Anger: Betrayal trauma often leads to feelings of intense anger. This is perfectly normal – but it’s important to find healthy ways to express that anger, rather than letting it turn into bitterness or resentment.
- Difficulty moving on: One of the most common symptoms of betrayal trauma is difficulty moving on. Even if you’ve ended your relationship with the person who cheated on you, it can be hard to let go of the pain and hurt. You might find yourself obsessing over what happened or replaying the events over and over again in your mind.
- Anxiety and depression: Betrayal trauma can lead to anxiety and depression. If you’re struggling with these symptoms, it’s important to seek professional help. Untreated anxiety and depression can have serious consequences.
- Feeling disconnected from yourself: After experiencing betrayal trauma, it’s common to feel like you’ve lost yourself. You might find yourself numbing out with alcohol or drugs, or engaging in risky behaviors. It’s important to reconnect with yourself and your values. This can help you start to heal the wounds of betrayal.
If you’re struggling with any of these symptoms, there is help available. Betrayal trauma therapy can be incredibly helpful for people who are trying to recover from infidelity. A therapist can help you work through your feelings and learn how to move on. You deserve to heal so don’t hesitate to reach out for the support you need. For more information, visit today.