Lewis Robinson

    How to properly jumpstart your car

    Whether you forgot to turn off your headlight, the winter cold got to be too much for your older car battery, or you need to help someone stranded somewhere because of a drained battery, this guide will tell you everything you need to get that motor running again. Here’s how to properly jumpstart your car. …

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      Top Tesla Rivals

      The world of self-driving cars is rapidly changing. While Tesla used to be the sole creator of these high-tech vehicles, there are multiple companies entering the industry and rivaling the capabilities of Tesla’s creations.  While fully autonomous cars are still a while away, especially with personal injury claims on the rise following a handful of…

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        Struggles people with disability face

        Unless you have a handicap yourself, it can be impossible to understand the struggles people with disabilities face. While most people have some idea, these individuals overcome more challenges than most people ever think about.  These struggles extend beyond daily activities to social stigmas, the ability to communicate, and difficulties in the workplace. If you’ve…

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