More than fifty kinds of terriers are considered bully breeds, and together they account for a sizable portion of the dog population in America—roughly eighteen million dogs. These breeds, including Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, American bulldogs, among many others, are prized for being kind, loving, and loyal dogs. In fact, the American bully has the highest temperament score on the AT (100%), closely followed by the cane corso, bull terrier, and dogo argentino.
Americans can’t get enough of bully breeds as pets. Bully breeds dominate many of the top spots in the American Kennel Club’s ranking of most registered dog breeds. French bulldogs were at the top of the list for 2022, finally dethroning Labrador Retrievers from the #1 spot they’ve held for 31 years. Other top registered dogs include bulldogs and rottweilers, respectively in 6th and 7th place.
Despite their historical roots dating back to the late 1800s, new bully breeds continue to emerge. Recent registrations include the Dogo Argentino in 2020, Cane Corso in 2010, and Dogue de Bordeaux in 2008. These registrations originate from all over the world, including South America, Europe, and North America, which demonstrates the global popularity of these breeds. Check out the most popular bully breeds below: