CBD Marketing and Facebook

    CBD and the related products have grown massively in popularity in recent years and for good reason. After all, it has been advertised as a “miracle drug” due to all of the ailments and afflictions that it can treat.

    From mental health to skin conditions, chronic pain and autoimmune diseases, there is little that CBD cannot do. Still, it hasn’t received proper testing, so it has not been regulated yet by the FDA. That one little detail is what keeps CBD from exploding to unheard of levels.

    Being able to implement CBD advertising is one way that these CBD companies generate revenue. The problem is that there are far too many restrictions on advertising CBD to make it a viable, mainstream product.

    Advertising through Google Ads and Facebook in particular have created some issues for companies looking to sell their CBD products. With a little deeper look, you can have a better idea of what Facebook’s stance is on CBD advertising and how to work around it.


    One of the most common questions is whether or not you can run CBD ads on Facebook and what Facebook’s CBD policy is. The fact of the matter is that, no, you cannot run CBD ads on Facebook. It is part of their policy of restricting “unsafe products” from being advertised.

    And while it hasn’t been proven that CBD is unsafe, there are not enough studies out there to solidify CBD as being completely safe. This is enough for Facebook to cover its behind and restrict CBD ads on Facebook.

    This could change sooner rather than later given the already enormous potential for CBD as a money-making endeavor. Until then, Facebook will likely continue to restrict those ads from taking place, making it one less avenue that businesses can advertise their CBD products through.

    There are ways around this, however. Buying pay-per-click ads is one way that CBD companies are successfully marketing online. This allows their ads to stay with the user over the course of their browsing session, keeping it in their peripheral.

    There are a few other ways to market CBD products as well, though none are as effective as Google AdWords and Facebook are. Until those two avenues are opened up to CBD ads, it will be something of a niche market.

    Still, the potential is there for massive business and more and more CBD companies are popping up. Expect the industry to become bigger as more states legalized its use with Facebook eventually coming around.