College education is not only about academics and certifications, but about broadening your horizons in a multilayered environment full of new people. If you pursue a quality public education in Malaysia, you will have to submit an application to UPU (Unit Pengambilan Universiti), the gatekeeper of public universities in Malaysia. For the academic year 2019/20, UPU is once again paving the way for thousands of future college students to enroll in the institutions they are dreaming of.
How It Works
Every year, UPU collects applications from candidates wishing to enroll in public universities, polytechnics and community colleges in Malaysia. The enrollment process takes place in several phases—candidates submit their applications, receive their results, appeal their results if required, then accept the offers. Before putting forward an application, you need to make sure you follow the required instructions, such as buying a PIN in order to access the UPU website.
Check UPU Online
After completing the purchase of a PIN from a BSN ATM, branch or through their online banking platform, you can proceed with your application on UPU’s official website. More information regarding the procedure—as well as what to expect afterward—can be found on mypt3.
Once you have all the necessary information and know what steps to take, you can complete your registration and fill in the application form, preferably well before the announced deadlines. You can keep track of important dates through the given websites, and take a look at the guides and circulars that they publish regularly.
Select Your Courses and Submit Your Application
The most important part of your application process is perhaps the course selection. At this stage, you need to evaluate your options well and choose the courses that will work best for you. Try to stick to your field of knowledge in order to be eligible for the desired courses.
When you are done with the course selection, you can confirm your information and submit your application. Make sure you print it out and save it for future reference.
Results and Appeal
Now that you have successfully completed the first phase, you are ready to wait for the results to come out. In the meantime, don’t forget to check the UPU website on a regular basis for courses that might require interviews. If you happen not to have received an offer, you can appeal in the “Rayuan UPU” application after the release of the results.
Good Luck!
Online applications for UPU 2019/20 opened on February 25, and they will be closing on April 2. Making choices that will affect your entire future can surely lead to some frustrating times, but once you are well equipped with information on the measures to be taken, there is no need for worry. Stick strictly to the deadlines, read all relative content and instructions carefully, and always double-check everything before confirming. You still have time to follow these steps and submit your application correctly—hopefully securing your spot in one of more than twenty prestigious Malaysian institutions.