You can find out the signals by crypto currency in the Telegram. Let’s consider some of the most accessible offers:
Hub of Signals: The peculiarity of this resource is that a whole group of professionals from well-known projects gather here. In particular, the analysts working on this Telegram channel came from reputable dealers with big names within the sector. Users, in turn, choose their own, what kind of professional crypto signals they pay attention to, and who they do not trust their earnings to.
Free and Paid Options: It is divided into paid and free versions. This is one of the first channels with insider signals for crypto currency, created by large players of the market. They often hold promotions and offer various discounts.
Crypto Ping: This is a type of Telegram-bot, whose task is to signal the sharp exchange rate fluctuations (~ 1% and above) of the Crypto-currency at such exchanges.
High and Low Exchange Pulse: This is also a popular Telegram-bot, but it signals not only about major changes in the exchange rate, but also about the most minor changes.
What Are Pump Signals And How To Protect Against Scammers?
Pamp-crypto-currencies are coins, the growth in prices of which is caused artificially. And many Telegram channels post information about pampas, so that users can earn on this artificial increase in the value of coins. This scheme looks suspicious. Usually it’s just an attempt to make money on the credulity of users, nothing more. This scheme looks like this:
Suppose that the resource runs from three thousand people. It is more than enough to create a pamp. For this to happen, it is enough to inform about it a couple of hours before the event and actively warm up the audience (to properly process it).
The user enters the exchange and sees an inscription of the type ” PAMP “. Panic begins, people go to the transaction ill-advisedly, without checking the exchange rates and charts on other sites. In this case, the chances to sell anything and earn very little; some of this can be created in form of crypto signals on Telegram.
Those who created the pamp, poured coins at a high price, but the rest of the users from the pampa receive almost nothing. Sometimes even go into negative. And all because the data shown on the graphs often arrive late or just wrong.
To Protect Yourself From Scammers, You Need to Follow Only A Couple of Recommendations:
- Take care of choosing a channel specializing in pampas, carefully. Of course, there are really good ones among them, but this is a rarity. Good channels offer not such a high percentage of successful transactions, but it is higher than fraudsters.
- Before you join the channel, for a while, watch the work of cryptographic experts. If you see that these sources can be trusted, then only follow these recommendations, working on the stock exchange.
Even choosing a reliable, at first glance, channel, always check the specified information. For example, look at the charts and keep track of coin prices.
How To Earn On Crypto Currency Signals
Let’s look at how to make money on signals for trading with crypto currency. For example, a typical signal from a bot in Telegrams has the following indicators:
> BUY is the cost to enter;
> SELL – cost of sale;
> TERM – the timeframe during which the stated goal will be achieved;
> LINK – a reference to the crypto currency in the exchange.
Consider a couple of rules that will allow you to properly monitor the growth of the crypto currency based on the provided signals:
- Never need to buy crypto currency if they do not show a growth of at least 5%. Better yet, if this figure is even greater;
- But there is a maximum growth. For example, experts do not recommend buying coins, if their growth is more than 15%.
- Be sure to check social networks for the availability of information from leading personalities on crypto-currency markets.
- Look at the coin ratings. It is better to work with crypto-currencies, which are in the top positions of these ratings.
In general, to make a profit, you need to use all available tools. And never make decisions based on just one crypto signal. Compare different sources.