An intriguing new technology called spatial computing has just lately started to gain traction in the field of entertainment. Users are able to experience the digital world in real time thanks to the utilization of 3D data. This technology is anticipated to be used for a wide range of purposes. Work, healthcare, and healthcare are a few of the industries that experts believe could be impacted.
As workplaces and classrooms grow more digital, physical settings will no longer be required. Holographic calls and display-free workstations are likely to become more widespread amongst companies, enabling employees to work from anywhere. Education will also increasingly resemble a virtual environment where learning can occur virtually. Future students might be able to use virtual reality to travel to the sites and landmarks they are studying. As the spatial computing technology advances, they might be able to even visit historical time periods.
The augmented reality/virtual reality sector is quickly expanding and is expected to grow by 67% in just four years to $52 billion of revenue. As people start to choose near-to-eye displays with AR/VR glasses, even smartphones may soon become obsolete. By 2024, there will be 1.4 billion AR-capable devices in use, creating a sizable selection for consumers interested in this technology.