How Millennials Are Crushing Video Interviews

    Video interviews are becoming quite common in a world where digital tools rule our lives. From smartphones to tablets to social media and beyond, the web and the tools that take us there are now an integral part of modern life; right down to the hiring process. Millennials especially seem to prefer a video interview, and they’re crushing it by following these few tips. 

    Here you’ll find information on free video conferencing services, how to dress for a video interview, and more. If you’re got a video interview coming up, this guide is for you. 

    Ensure the Equipment is Working First 

    You might be surprised by how many people enter a video chat only to find that their mic, camera, or other equipment/software isn’t working right. This can be incredibly frustrating to the interviewer and interviewee, as it shows they weren’t prepared for the call. 

    The first thing to do before entering a video interview is to make sure everything is working correctly. That means everything. Is your mobile device charged? Does your PC have a webcam? Does your mic work? Is your video conferencing software working correctly? How’s your internet connection?

    Most software will allow you to perform a test run before a call, so if you have this option, use it. Troubleshooting during your video interview is likely to spoil the entire mood of the call, and might even mean the difference between getting hired or not. 

    Dress to Impress

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you’re doing a video interview you can dress like you’re headed to a concert or the beach. While you may not be interviewing in the same room as your prospective employer, you’re still going to be seen on video, and first impressions are everything. 

    You’ll need to dress the part for the interview. If you’re interviewing for a management position at a retail store, you probably won’t need your best suit and tie or formal attire, but if you’re interviewing for a higher-up position, this may be your best option. 

    Try to match your outfit with the position you’re interviewing for. Business casual is ok in some cases, but others might require business formal. Whatever the case, make sure you’re presentable. 

    Shirts or blouses should be ironed and as wrinkle-free as possible, and you should be well-groomed and clean. An interviewer will make an instant judgment call based on your appearance, so clean up and dress appropriately. 

    Be Yourself 

    It can be quite difficult to gauge a person via a video call, so you’ll want to be sure that you’re being as natural as possible during your interview. You’ll probably be nervous, which is completely natural and ok, but you’re trying to show your interviewer who you are while in a completely different building. 

    Sometimes, things like body movement or facial expressions, both of which are essential parts of communication, can be lost or misinterpreted in a video call. Try to show the interviewer how passionate you are about the position or the company, and be sure to give some personal details that provide them with a better understanding of who you are. 

    Look at the Camera!

    You’ll want to make “eye-contact” with the camera during your interview. If you’re constantly looking away or getting distracted by something in your environment, it can have a negative effect on the entire interview. If you’re camera-shy, try practicing with a family member or friend a few days ahead of time. This will help you get used to being in front of the camera and better train you where to look. 

    Ask Questions, Engage 

    A video interview should be treated with the same care as an in-person interview. Prepare questions to ask during your interview, such as what challenges will I face in this position? These questions will help you better understand the position you’re applying for, what it entails, and also gives your prospective employer a better idea of what you’re looking for and how you’ll fit with the company. 

    Asking questions of your interviewer makes you stand out from the other prospective hires because it makes you look genuinely interested in what you’ll be doing. It also shows a degree of preparedness and professionalism, so ask away! 

    The Bottom Line 

    A video interview is no different than a regular interview, despite the fact that you’re using video software to communicate over a long-distance. Other than than, you should dress, speak, and act the same way you would if your interviewer was sitting directly across from you in the same room. 

    Remember to dress the part, engage with the interviewer and ask questions, and be sure to do a test run with your equipment and software before the interview starts. Good luck, and remember, don’t be afraid to ask questions