How to Transition into Freelancing Full-Time from a Traditional Job

    The new normal looks different than ever before with a large percentage of the workforce working remotely when compared to the past. Working a traditional job is often accompanied by some kind of side gig that helps a person supplement their income. The side gig is usually associated with their skills or is something they enjoy that happens to earn money. The issue is that a number of people do not know whether their side gig could turn into a full-time job before they make the leap. Failing before doing thorough testing is to be expected as freelancing full-time is not for everyone. The following are tips to help make the transition from a traditional job to freelancing full-time seamlessly.

    Don’t Quit Your Job Yet!

    The issue that a number of people encounter is quitting their job too quickly. You want to be able to build up a financial nest egg so you are comfortable when you leave your job. You do not want to accept lower paying jobs due to financial hardship when there are better paying jobs. Patience is required in order to build up a client base to the point where you can freelance full-time. Dropping clients that pay too little or ask for unrealistic results for what they are paying will come with time. Building a client base of easy to work clients with realistic expectations that pay well is a freelancer’s dream.

    Ask Current Clients for More Work/Referrals

    Asking current clients for more work will yield the best results. There will be clients that have no more work to give while others will happily give you more work. Copywriters are great examples of freelancers that can be utilized daily by clients if they hit deadlines for written content. A client might not have any additional work but might know someone that does. Business owners frequently share resources like top marketing professionals or web developers. The worst thing that can happen is a client refuses to give you more work. Only ask clients this question if you are in good standing with them as otherwise this is a sure way to lose a client totally.

    Cash in Your Professional Favors to Find Additional Clients

    Cashing in professional favors might be required to stay afloat during the infancy of your full-time freelancing career. You never know where former managers or coworkers will go in their professional life. LinkedIn can allow you to see them and potentially reach out to them. Getting a referral or introduction to the right person can allow for long-term business relationships to be created.

    Rent an Office or Build One at Your Residence

    Craftsman sheds can be a great addition to a property whether you want to make it a home office or workshop. Being able to work in a building separate from the home might not seem like a big deal but it truly is. Freelancers only are paid for how much work they complete so lost productivity results in lost income. At traditional jobs, you are paid the same hourly regardless of production level unless you are in a job that pays commission.

    Transitioning to the freelance life full-time will take an adjustment period. Freelancing is not for everyone so try it out before making any decisions like leaving your current stable job.