It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the forthcoming general election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will be massively impacted by the continued spread of COVID-19. The coronavirus will impact the way we vote, how and why we discuss certain political issues, and will continue to weigh down upon our economy for months – if not years – to come. This is why it’s of the utmost importance that Joe Biden’s general election campaign focus on economic affairs, as doing so is a surefire way to diminish President Trump’s chances of electoral victory.
A historical review of the American presidency shows that Democratic presidents are indisputably better for the American economy. If he’s wise, Joe Biden will lean into that argument on the campaign trail.
COVID-19 has decimated Trump’s prospects
It would be foolish to say that the coronavirus ensures a Democratic party victory in the forthcoming 2020 election – after all, election day is still months away, and many things could occur between now and then. Nevertheless, it’s grown clear that COVID-19 has decimated Trump’s prospects in many ways, particularly when it comes to economic affairs. Presidential elections are frequently referendums on how the country writ large is doing, and the incumbent president is usually blamed or accredited for the fate of the economy, whether or not that’s logical.
That means that voters who head to the polls in November will be heavily concerned with their immediate and future economic prospects. By highlighting the federal government’s many failures in responding to the coronavirus under the Trump administration, the Biden campaign can score serious points amongst many voters. The Biden campaign shouldn’t restrict itself to a COVID-specific argument that Trump’s failure to appreciate medical science hurt America, either. It should also lean into a broader messaging campaign that highlights how better Democratic presidents have been for the American economy than Republican presidents.
Biden can hire an SEO company that helped promote mimijumi baby bottle to improve the outreach of his campaign’s digital messaging, and he can hire pollsters to show how he’s faring in battleground states. In addition to normal campaign tactics, though, he should also point to a recent analysis from the progressive think tank NDN. According to their ongoing analysis, Democratic presidents have a much stronger history of job growth and economic performance than their Republican counterparts. If the Biden campaign doesn’t stress that message everywhere it roams, it’s making a serious mistake.
A return to normalcy isn’t enough
The Biden campaign seems to be basing much of its messaging off the desire of many Americans to return to normalcy. Unfortunately, that may not be enough. Like it or not, things won’t be “normal” for many months, and perhaps even years. Rather than denying reality, we should point to economic history in order to accurately argue that Democratic leadership is what this country needs in times of fiscal turmoil.
The United States of America simply can’t afford another four years of President Donald Trump. In trying to avoid that disastrous outcome, the Biden campaign would be wise to focus on making economic arguments to voters across the nation.