Are you fascinated by the sea? Maybe it’s time to consider a career that allows you to see the sea all the time. Now, you might not be interested in selling shells by the sea shore, but don’t worry! There are plenty of options available. Check out these great choices.
U.S. Navy Sailor
One of the most time-honored professions is that of a sailor. How about being a sailor and serving your country while you’re at it? To become a member of the Navy, you must sign up and go through basic training. The shortest commitment for this career is typically between two and four years initially, but many choose this path indefinitely. As a sailor, you can travel the world and protect your country and those in need. If you want to join the Navy, you need a high school diploma or equivalent, but if you want to become an officer you’ll need to have a college degree.
Merchant Marine
Are you interested in being a sailor, but not quite keen on the idea of enlisting in the Navy? Maybe you should be a merchant marine. This profession typically transports people or cargo and in times of need can be called upon by the U.S. Navy to transport governmental cargo or members of the military. As part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, merchant marines were given protection both for coastal trade and for seaman’s rights. While you may be in danger from pirates, this legislation can help protect your rights in case of an accident at sea. Merchant marines typically need a bachelor’s degree if they’re interested in being an officer, but no degree is usually required for entry-level work.
Although this career requires less training and overhead, work as a lifeguard is an ultimately honorable and crucial profession. Lifeguards protect beachgoers from drowning and provide assistance for those who are injured in any way. They are specially trained in CPR/First Aid, and pay close attention to currents, rip tides, and more to ensure anyone who visits their beach is safe from harm. Requirements vary from beach to beach, but this career is often available to anyone who passes lifeguard training, regardless of academic education status.
Cruise Ship Worker
Who doesn’t love a good cruise? Could you imagine actually getting to live aboard a cruise ship, though? There are tons of career options available on a cruise ship, ranging from maid service and food workers to the ship’s captain or entertainment officer. Naturally, the educational requirements vary significantly based on the career choice, so consider your skill set and background and let that guide you in your decision making process.
There are plenty of career options available that enable you to work on or alongside the sea all day every day! Depending on your educational background and desires, you could pursue a job as a Navy sailor, merchant marine, lifeguard, or even work aboard a large cruise ship. Think long and hard about your career goals and see if any of these could fulfill your desires!