is BACK & NEW!

    Hey guys! David here with an update on this pretty little site you’re on. If you’re not new, welcome back. If this is your first time on, HELLO! The bathroom’s down the hall, first door on the left.

    If you have been here before, you’ll notice the space looks very different. We’ve been working hard to change this site up. Shout out to Ian Dokie, our marketing manager (and the guy I share an office with) for doing most of the heavy lifting. We’re super excited about these changes (get it?). Starting now, and going into 2018, is new.

    The short version is this: We’re moving from a community based site to an article-based site. We want this to be a place where you can get into our heads, see some behind-the-scenes stuff, interact with each other, and much more. Suggestions for new TableTalks, interviews with the hosts, exclusive videos…the possibilities are endless.

    We already threw up an example, which you can check out here. Some more roundup lists to end 2015 will follow!

    I’m personally super excited about this new website and what we can do with it. I hope to interact with you guys as much as possible, so if you have comments or ideas, put them down below.

    Much love,
