If you take a look at the news, you will notice the closures of several chain outlets while some companies file for bankruptcy. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the businesses that make up the backbone of America’s economy, but some small businesses are still thriving. The beauty industry, in particular, seems to be making quite a profit. It’s not all beauty businesses, however, but a small subsection of the industry. As Vox puts it, the sales of cosmetics are dropping, but people are buying up fancy skincare gadgets in response. Thanks to people’s interest in this sector of the beauty market, the entire industry has seen massive growth, even amid the economic downturn. But what’s pushing this new wave of at-home care and leading to more people aiming for a DIY approach to beauty? It turns out technology is making waves in the beauty industry, and over time it might mean a shift in what we see as the current paradigm.
At-Home Beauty Tech Fueling The Push
Beauty businesses like Dermani Medspa still see a decent bottom line, but their dominance is challenged by a new competitor – at-home beauty treatments. We knew this was coming, of course. According to PR Newswire, L’Oreal’s Perso was one of the first at-home beauty care agents that relied on AI for skin analysis. However, it’s not the only item that consumers can use. At-home beauty considers all the digital elements of skincare, including tracking apps and physical devices.
Hand In Hand with Fitness And Wellness Industries
Beauty tech has developed a unique friendship with the health and wellness industry. With the technology that both health trackers and beauty trackers suing much of the same hardware, it’s possible that we may see a similar explosion in popularity with these devices that we did with the Fitbit. Modern people are realized how useful data is to maintaining a healthy and happy life, and using apps and tools to track those variables give users peace of mind. With AI and applications advancing, it’s not too long before we’ll be able to use a phone camera to track our skin’s daily progress to beauty. In fact, according to Allure, Neutrogena is already aiming to do just that with its NAIA application. The future is now it seems.
Personalized Care Through At-Home Devices
One of the hardest things for a modern individual to get is personalized beauty care. Even in spas and locations designed to offer this individual interaction, the reality seems to be lacking. What’s more personalized than doing it yourself? These apps will open up a new wave of customized spa care that will change the face of the beauty industry. The big question is whether it’ll leave anything for the established spas to live off. As it stands, some people still prefer to have someone else tend to their spa needs. The relaxation element of a resort is something personal beauty can’t replace. At least, not just yet.