Tips To Know More About Changing Your Postal Address

    Changing your address after you have moved to a new location is a critical task, and must be planned before you proceed to move. If you fail to change the address immediately, you might not get any of the mails carrying very important messages. You can change your old address to the current one by filling up a USPS form to update your postal service address. However, if you are going to do it for the first time, then it is important to have a clear-cut idea about how it works.

    Know the Complete Address of Your New Home

    Do not place a request for a change of address at unless you know you have moved in. If you don’t have the full address of the current location then you might be registering a wrong address with the postal service. So, spend some time online or talk with your neighbors to learn more about the neighborhood, street name and landmark, if any before noting it down the correct address of your new home. When you are initiating an address change request, make sure that you copy the address that you noted down to stay assured of its accuracy.

    Filing for Permanent or Temporary Address

    When you are filing for an address change with the post office, you can file for either temporary change of address or permanent address change. You can opt for the permanent change of address if you have no plans to move to a new home shortly. If you are focusing on a temporary set up, say for a few months, or a year then you can choose the option for temporary change of address. When you choose the change of address for temporary set up, the USPS will forward your mails and packages for a specific period.

    Change of Address For Individual / Family

    When you are requesting for a change of address with the USPS, you will have to fill up the form that would ask for the number of members who have moved with you.

    The USPS application form will also ask you to mention the names of your family members or others who have moved to your new place. Make sure to check thesurnames of the family members whom you are mentioning to know if they are same or different. Never write down a family member’s name without their surname, as the USPS will never forward the mail to those individuals whose surname differs than the one mentioned in the change of address form.

    How to Perform Change Of Address Online

    It is easy to apply for a change of address at the website of USPS by paying the fee of $1. This fee amount is utilized for verifying your identity and has to be paid with the help of a credit card or debit card while applying for a change of address online. You can also fill up the Form 3575 to request the address change to a new location.