Hardwood flooring is a popular pick for installation because it is easy to maintain and is aesthetically cleaner with different rooms. Hardwood also works differently to humid settings, expanding and shrinking even after drying out, cut, and processed. The moisture in between the seasons is recognizable and it isn’t good for wood. It has to be cared for ahead of time to prevent moisture from seeping in and doing damage to the flooring. Although relative humidity can be good to strengthen wood and keep it bright, too much of it can result in that damage where you feel the floor moving under you.
Wood is hygroscopic, when exposed to air, moisture will be absorbed or released until the reactions equal the amount of humidity and temperature outside. When absorbing, the wood swells and can safely take in moisture over 25% to keep it stable. That means it’s the opposite when it releases moisture. When it does either, the moisture doesn’t spread out evenly. The total size, both length and width, does alter and reveal the obvious when walking on them. When the hardwood shrinks, gaps could become noticeable in between planks. Counter it with a humidifier to keep the planks connected.
On the other end, when hard flooring absorbs close to 90%, it could risk in cupping, when the edges are higher than the center. This could come from moisture in the air or spilled water that isn’t quickly absorbed manually. The sides expand and crush each other, causing the merging ends to rise up and make the floor uneven. This comes from the bottom, where it takes longer to dry than the surface level. Indoor humidity should be preserved from 40% to 60% as over humidity can also damage their structure and crack easily. There’s the opposite of cupping by crowning, as the center bubbles up over the edges. The wood should be dried and sanded back to level. The most damage from moist wood is called buckling, when the wooden planks rise up completely and shows a large section of the floor crowning. This is rare, only happening when wood is trapped underwater for a period of time, like a flood.
Sometimes, the problem arises from the subfloors, either wooden or concrete. Wooden subfloors have exactly the same problem has hardwood floors. They should be kept dry below what a hardwood plank can take in before being constructed on. With concrete, the issue may come if the slab of it isn’t dry. It has to be completely dry before anything is built on top. Leaks from invading groundwater and appliances the use water can also affect hardwood flooring. Sometimes, outside water can easily seep in and do damage when there is no physical sign of it.
Hardwood flooring must be maintained to be presented clearly and effectively for those who sell their home like this and want to sell their home fast. It is the popular flooring over tile and carpet. It has a lot of pros, but the con of moisture can make things tricky. So if you’re not cut out for urgent and frequent clean-ups which I’ve mentioned here, then go for the easier to maintain, equally lovely, a little more affordable engineered wood, vinyl or Parquet Flooring options.
Just keep an eye on things and be able to counter the moisture than can harm your beautiful wood flooring.
Why Bamboo? Why Hardwood?

There are many options to choose home flooring. It could be tile, carpet, hardwood, or bamboo. This is about the last two. Hardwood flooring and bamboo flooring are growing to be more popular than the others as one is considered a better alternative to the other. It depends what looks good to you and what is good for your home. There are plenty of similarities and a few differences that can lead you to decide which looks best and how it can be presented, especially if you want to sell your home fast after the showcase. Here is a rundown on the pros and cons between the two floors.
Allfloors Carpet one is the best place to shop for tile flooring.
First, the bamboo flooring, which is chic and exotic land fairly inexpensive, making it a highly appealing floor. Bamboo flooring is durable, as it should be, but a downside is that its shelf life lasts no more than 20 years, even with good care, which only includes mild soap, some water, and a mop. Bamboo is trendy and more waterproof than hardwood with its grainy background that feels more authentic to walk on. This is an Eco-friendly material because, when bought, the floor hasn’t fully matured and hardens more in the first few years. It can be bought in different styles and colors and can be refinished to cover any damage or discoloring. However, it is sensitive to heat and very scratching and can be a counter draw to a modern home when it is a modern floor.
As for hardwood flooring, it is more expensive than bamboo, but the lifespan is longer. Just maintain it properly and they will last for decades, past 30 years and up to 100. Like bamboo, hardwood can be damaged in different ways and are easily scratched and more prone to water damage. Aesthetic wise, it is a classic look and very pleasing, especially compared to tile or carpet. Depending on your style and preference, hardwood is a great choice if you are going for a simple, elegant look in any of your rooms. A new question has raised: solid hardwood or laminate? Laminates give the look of legit wood, but the downside is if the top layer becomes damaged in any way, it can’t be totally fixed. So, natural hardwood is the way to go.
They are both good for those who have allergies. Both are petty friendly, with the exception of soft woods that can scratch. Cleaning and refinishing them are straight forward. They both are nailed down; for bamboo, they can also be glued. Price range is $5 to $10 per square foot for hardwood, and $5 to $7 per square foot for bamboo. Installing is equally easy. The main factor comes down to what looks best for your floor. You should also note how much of it do you need to complete the floors, the overall cost, and what are you willing to sacrifice to keep it from getting damage and maintaining it. Study carefully and pick.
Cashing in Literally on Your Home

Statistically, according to the National Association of Realtors, 21% of all home sales are paid in cash, which sees strange because of the cost of a home. Who’d want to pay in dollars and who has all of that room in their wallet? For buyers, individuals that buy the house outright without any lender financing, it’s about paying everything up front and not worrying later on. Some are just that frugal and can do it. So, sellers don’t need to be worried if someone has $250,000 in bills for your home. But sellers who do want cash and only may find it very difficult in the market today. So, keep in mind these things when you seek to get paid in green.
The basic rule is to not make a deal with just anyone with a briefcase full of money because of the high risk of real estate fraud. All buyers should be vetted, and all sellers should work with a real estate agent. The middleman maybe unlikable, but they can work with them to find cash buyers who are legit. After all, over 90% of homeowners sell through real estate companies as they do bring in leads like cash buyers who may interested. They do the heavy lifting in getting the best price possible. When you get the buyer you like, it becomes a very easy process with cash transaction, document signings, and formal closing.
Sellers who seek cash don’t need to have an open house and just get a list of offers when they are all non-cash. There isn’t any financial stresses that comes in selling the house the normal way, but it is so fast, that sellers have to be completely prepared for everything that suddenly slides across the desk. There’s a certain period to move out everything when going the traditional route because of the clearance of the transaction. With cash, unless there’s an agreed grace period, it is almost instant to get out. So, when the deal is finalized, make sure to have virtually moved into the new home. Always remain ahead of schedule when moving out and moving on.
It may be sketchy, but you say, “Sell your home fast for cash,” and get a good return on it. Selling for cash is straight forward when working with a safe buyer who isn’t a fraud. Everyone has their terms and checklist to see what they want, how much they will spend, and the condition it should be in. Don’t get caught in any contingency; cash sales are not supposed to be in any way complex. And, be very aware for anything that smells like fraud. The criminal punishment is on the fraudster, but the economic consequences are on the homeowner who is swindled through their behavior. Cash in – literally – on your home but do so wisely.