It’s obvious that an IT services provider needs to have excellent technical skills and knowledge. They have to be able to deliver a range of technological solutions for your business, meeting its daily demands, and helping you to grow. However, technical skills are not all an IT provider should offer. It’s also important for them to have non-technical skills to support their technical know-how. They need to be able to work well with you and be responsive to your needs. When you’re looking for the right fit, there are some key skills that you should look for in an IT provider.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Being able to communicate well is a skill that you should look for in anyone you work with. Good communication is vital to get things done and make sure they’re completed in the way that you want. An IT provider needs to be able to communicate well in several different ways. They should be responsive when you get in touch and they should be capable of explaining things to you without using unnecessary jargon. They should be able to communicate verbally and in writing too.
Things can change quickly in business, and everyone needs to be able to respond appropriately. Being adaptable and flexible is a key quality to look for in an IT provider. If someone goes wrong or you need them to make a change, they should be able to respond quickly. You don’t want them to be so rigid that they can only offer one solution or they are unable to adapt to a change in circumstances. This might also extend to needing to scale your IT up or down depending on your budget or other conditions.
Business Knowledge
Your IT provider might not be running your business for you, but they do need to be able to align your IT with your business goals. They need to be able to understand what you need to operate your business and which IT choices to make to help your business grow. Their business knowledge might be more specific to how technology can contribute to your company’s goals, but they should also have a wider understanding of how it connects to other areas of your business.
Collaboration is essential for anyone in business, including IT providers. They will need to be able to work with your own in-house IT staff, if you have any, as well as other members of your staff. They may be working remotely, connecting with other people in different locations, which requires them to engage in teamwork in various different ways.
IT services aren’t all about technology and analytical thinking. IT providers also need to be able to think in a creative way to deliver the best solutions to their clients. It’s an important skill to have for problem-solving, allowing IT experts to come up with the best answers for any tricky issues that might arise. For example, some IT providers offer 1 month free IT services, no risk, to new clients who might be uncertain about beginning a new partnership. This shows a unique approach to critical thinking that is valuable in an IT provider.
When you’re looking for an IT provider, consider their soft skills, as well as their technical knowledge. It’s important that the company is a good fit for your business.