How to use OKRs

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is a popular approach embraced by companies around the world. It involves setting high-level, ambitious objectives aligned with company goals and establishing measurable key results to track progress towards these objectives. Here is how you can effectively use OKRs in your company or career. Understanding What OKRs Are OKR stands…

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What Is the FTC Safeguards Rule? 

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information, i.e. the FTC Safeguards Rule, is a regulation designed to protect the security and confidentiality of customer information held by financial institutions. Instituted under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, it mandates a series of administrative, technical, and physical security measures. Who’s Covered Under the Safeguards Rule? The…

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Author Spotlight: Susy Smith

Susy Smith, an internationally renowned author, has recently unveiled the highly anticipated sequel to her celebrated series, The Asylum Book Series. Published by Babylon Books, her latest work, titled “Ascendant,” delves into the depths of a dystopian world while unearthing profound themes of injustice in a dictatorial regime. With its spellbinding narrative, “Ascendant” beckons to…

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