We all have a vague idea of what’s on the list of things we would like to do before we kick the bucket. Once we become terminally ill, however, these lists become a bit shorter and way more urgent.
Towards the end of our lives, we start to realize what truly matters. What experiences we’re okay not having and which ones we are terrified that we may not get to have.
Sure, there are things like spending time with loved ones, watching a sunrise, enjoying our favorite meals, and making love one more time that tend to go without saying that will be on this list. But, what about the big things? What truly matters to us? And, will making a bucket list even matter in the end?
According to The Conversation, the research done on the bucket list phenomenon isn’t of the best quality (“bucket list” is really only a term that’s been around the last 10 years or so, after all), but, “what there [is] suggests that developing goals when a person knows they are dying can give them hope and affirm the value that their life still has.” This goal in and of itself seems worth the effort.
Everyone’s a little different and will want to do different things in their lifetime. However, there are some things that even if we don’t feel like we want to do, we should at least consider. Before it’s too late. Check out the top 5 things we should do before we die:
There are places we’ve always dreamed of seeing. Maybe it’s something we missed due to inadequate funds. Maybe the trip is as big as a European tour or as small as seeing our favorite beach for the last time. Either way, it’s important to find a way to make it happen. When searching for funds to travel, we may wonder: How can I sell my life insurance policy? No matter the extent or occasion for the trip, the funds for the getaway of a lifetime are out there somewhere.
Take lots of pictures
Regardless of whether we’re comfortable telling everyone about our impending demise. The people we leave behind are going to want pictures. And, who knows? In our last days we may want to pleasantly look back and focus on the great memories instead of the pain.
As we’re making incredible memories to last us until the end, it is best to use cloud picture backups so we can easily access all of our most treasured moments in one place. Tip: giving access to our loved ones can help them mourn and treasure the memories of all of us together for a lifetime.
Do something that makes you feel alive
Maybe we’ve always wanted to go skydiving like Morgan Freeman and Jack Nickolson’s characters did in The Bucket List? Or, maybe we’ve always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon, to get a tattoo, or to ride on an insane roller coaster? Whatever our “exciting thing” is, make sure to do it. For me, it would be to have earth shattering sex somewhere exotic, preferably in the rain.
Reconnect with nature
Whether it’s camping with loved ones, spending the night in a treehouse (a popular one on most online bucket lists), or seeing a natural phenomenon like the northern lights or the milky way; it’s important to find a unique way to connect with nature and feel at peace for a bit.
It’s important to make sure as much of our remaining time on earth is spent as happy as possible. According to Dr. Miles Richardson’s article in Psychreg, a connection to nature can attribute to happiness. He notes that, “Knowing your place in nature brings meaning and joy.”
Savor the little things
We don’t often realize it until it’s too late, but being faced with impending death makes us not want to waste anymore time. Therefore, enjoy everyday things that we used to take for granted. Think about meals we’ve always wanted to try (and try them). Enjoy every movie, every social gathering, and feel every feeling (the water down our back in the shower, the caress of a lover, the breeze in our hair, etc.).