What Does a Managed Service Provider Do?

    A managed service provider is a company or team who provides information technology managed services such as cloud computing, network consulting, security solutions and outsourcing.

    There are many reasons why companies decide to outsource their IT needs and MSPs benefit from these decisions because it can increase revenue and leads for the managed service provider.

    The following provides a brief description of the top 5 ways an managed service provider does:

    1. Increase Revenue – By providing third party managed IT support through contract or outsourcing agreements this allows both businesses and individuals more time on focusing on their core business while an external source takes care of all server/network management duties. There is no need to hire additional staff or work around the clock as managed service providers cover this as part of their job. 
    1. Increase Results –  A managed service provider will help increase your results by knowing your IT infrastructure and having specialists in all IT areas, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most; growing your business.
    1. Reduce Cost – Many managed service providers offer cost-effective managed services and can reduce costs because they eliminate recurring hardware and software expenses through a managed services platform allowing an individual or business to rethink how much it spends on its day-to-day support needs. With managed services , businesses no longer need to manage the complexities that come with running network servers and data centers such as planning for capacity, monitoring performance, and security.
    1. Build a Reliable Network – MSPs have managed to adapt quickly to changing technologies and have been able to build networks that allow their clients more reliability, lower costs, higher performance and greater flexibility. Without managed services, businesses would need to invest in additional staff or contract the skills needed on a project-by-project basis.
    1. Increase Security – It is an managed service provider’s duty to ensure that all managed IT support providers follow specific guidelines and meet industry standards with regard to information and network security measures before allowing them access to sensitive data and systems. This makes managed service providers extremely beneficial because they help protect your company from costly breaches by performing regular audits of managed support providers’ compliance with HIPAA, PCI DSS, and FISMA rules.

    In conclusion, managed service providers monitor and handle many different things for a company’s network to be running smoothly. They will monitor 24/7/365 days a year, negotiate better prices with vendors for managed services, provide help desk support and monitor the status of managed services via a dedicated management console. In addition if you are looking to have managed services for your business, eShield can provide you with managed services for your business so that you don’t have to.