Atlas Jenkins Breaks Into the Music Industry

    The music industry is known for being one of the toughest industries for people to break into. That is what makes everything so impressive when a new artist starts to make a name for himself or herself. That is exactly what Atlas Jenkins has been able to do. Atlas Jenkins is a sound designer, rapper, songwriter, record producer, and DJ from the United States. In addition, Atlas Jenkins also works as an interview journalist, a media personality, and a humanitarian. He uses a unique form of sound collage to make an impact on his listening audience. Furthermore, he is also best known for his performance on four separate albums that were listed at the top of the Billboard charts. These included hip hop and Jazz album with his close friend and famous music producer Jonathan Hay. The most notable album on which he has collaborated is a jazz reimagining of the famous album by Eric B. and Rakim called Follow the Leader. The album was known for ending Michael Buble’s 38-week rain at the top of the charts back in 2019

    Even though Atlas Jenkins always knew that he wanted to be a creative professional, he did not have any strict plan, guidance, or goals when he decided to try to break into the music industry. He was simply trying to connect with the world in a new way. All he knew at the time is that hip hop was the music that touched him in a way that other types of music did not. Therefore, he felt like he had found a medium into which he could place his own voice. At the same time, he knew that he would have to do something different in order to break into this industry. Therefore, he took a closer look at the frequency of his life and try to turn this into a unique, musical sound. In this manner, Atlas Jenkins was able to generate a unique sound that seemed to resonate with a large number of people. As a result, he was able to break into the music industry and start to build a career.

    Although Atlas Jenkins is one of the youngest music professionals in the field, he has already enjoyed a significant amount of success. His life has changed significantly since he first broke into this industry. In addition to becoming a father, he has also placed a significant amount of his time into philanthropic work. As a result, he now has more strains on his time; however, he knows what his true priorities are. Therefore, it will be exciting to see how Atlas Jenkins continues to change the music industry as he evolves. For him, the sky is the limit.