Loris Rinehimer

Training the Best and Brightest

The best companies are those that invest time and resources into their employee’s skill development. The best avenue for doing so is a skills based learning program designed to bring an employee’s skills and knowledge in line with the market’s latest trends and innovations. These programs should be as customized for the specific business as…

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Investing in The Success of COOs

The COO, or the chief operations officer, of a company, is a position that has been rising in importance and popularity in recent years. This role acts as the second-in-command to the CEO, tending to the needs of the leader, the company, and any other aspects of the organization that require aid. The responsibilities of…

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Anavex’s Once-Daily Oral Dementia Treatment Shows Promise in Phase IIb/III Trial

Anavex Life Sciences Corp. has unveiled promising results from its landmark Phase IIb/III clinical trial of blarcamesine (ANAVEX®2-73), a potential once daily oral dementia treatment for early Alzheimer’s disease. The findings, presented at the 2024 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), demonstrate significant slowing of clinical decline in patients with early Alzheimer’s disease. The study, conducted…

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What is the History of the Water Pipe?

Since 4000 BCE, humans have been crafting pipes to facilitate the transportation of water, marking an enduring quest for sustainable solutions in infrastructure development. Today, with over 2.2 miles of water pipe in the United States alone, the need for efficient and durable water transportation systems has never been more critical. Despite historical advancements, challenges…

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The Benefits of Direct Sourcing

Direct sourcing is a method used by many hiring managers to curate talent for their business. This method is used to gather talent from a pre-existing pool of people, ensuring that these people are qualified and ready for the job at hand. This concept has become so popular that 60% of larger companies are already…

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Kentucky’s Education Incentive

The stats are in, and it is more clear than ever that higher education creates a greater chance of financial stability for college graduates compared to those with just a high school diploma. For example, individuals with a bachelor’s degree make $1 million more in lifetime income on average compared to their peers. They also…

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Curating the Perfect Coworking Experience

Although they were originally welcomed by many remote workers due to the growing popularity of WFH models, traditional coworking spaces now confront several difficulties. Their struggles are mostly caused by very high real estate expenses, which in turn drives membership rates up to a shocking between $200 and $700 per desk. To make matters worse,…

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Expanding Access to Credit with Alternative Data

There are millions of Americans who are struggling to become credit visible, but alternative data can help these individuals. Alternative data is Fair Credit Reporting Act compliant information that can score up to 32% of consumers who were previously considered unscorable. This kind of data includes speciality finance data like short term installment loans and…

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