If you’re creating slide decks for presentation purposes, there are a few precautions that will help ensure your presentation is well-received and accentuates the message you’re trying to convey. Here’s a list of tips to help:
Plan Your Charts and Graphs Beforehand
It’s often difficult to trust presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint will export charts and graphs the correct way…and more often than not it doesn’t. When creating presentation slides, always make sure to use presentation-ready tools that have been specifically designed for presentation purposes, such as Kristian Olson Art & Design. If you absolutely must use presentation software that isn’t presentation ready, just know your chart/graphs could be a little wonky once your presentation is viewed on a big screen via a projector.
Keep It Short
Not only should you avoid adding too many details in each slide of your presentation deck, but also different colors may affect how people see what they’re viewing. More than likely, presentation attendees will be viewing your presentation on a presentation display and not on their own devices. So whatever colors you decide to use in your presentation should still look best when viewed with the presentation screen as the backdrop.
Get Feedback
When it comes time to present your information, either during an internal meeting or at a conference attended by others, always make sure to show a dummy version of your slides first…preferably on paper. Presenting from a computer is going to slow you down and possibly affect how receptive people are towards what you’re saying or trying to convey. Once you’ve made any necessary adjustments to your presentation deck, then it’s all good and you can present the presentation from your computer.
Keep Fonts Legible
If you’re doing a presentation where fonts aren’t going to be viewed on presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint (or if they will), make sure to use sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Verdana. Serif fonts like Times New Roman don’t quite work well with web pages or for presentation purposes. If you plan on showing off what will likely be the final presentation slides before printing them out, try using Arial Black or Impact instead of Arial or Verdana so that the text is easy enough to read especially when printed out
Use A Single Slide Master
Once you’ve decided on presentation software like Kristian Olson Art & Design, make sure to create all slides of your presentation deck with the same slide master. This will save time later on when deciding what text needs to appear where.
Now that you know about presentation tools and how they can help you create a presentation, go ahead and try using them today! It’ll save you a lot of time in the long run. And once people see your presentation deck created with presentation software like Kristian Olson Art & Design, there’s no going back!